Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Girl and Her Clothes...

So those of you on my fbook, can probably see where this post is coming from, lol. But I am curious for those of you with 4-5 yr old girls (or boys I suppose). DO your kids care about what they wear?
Wave does. She has kinda shown interest periodically throughout the yrs but for the last fews months shes really been into it. She chooses %90 of what she wears, she has a certain style. to say the least and trying to get her to wear anything that she doesn;t like, will end well, lol.
I embrace this totally, shes an indiviual and she should be allowed to show that (with some restrictions.. as the yrs go on I am sure, lol).
Anways, someone on my fbook made a comment about how shes only 4 and she will like any style (or something to that affect), .... kinda making it seem like its all me and I should just buy her whatever .....
So I am wondering if I am the only one with a kid who won't just wear "whatever" at this age.


  1. well Jordyn is only 3 and I can't pick out her clothes. She'll only wear what she likes. It can be a constant battle if I let it so I don't. She picks out what I buy and what she wears.

  2. Both of my girls care about what they wear. They are 2.5 and 6. W's neat and tidy closet is making me feel super guilty about our overstuffed ones. My kids obviously have waaay too many clothes.

  3. Lj, I need to do some serious summer buying, lol. But also its laundry day, so don't feel bad its usually a little more stuffed. ;).

    I have had a hard time this summer, finding stuff I like as well as stuff she likes, now generally if she likes it and I don;t but its functional and in our price range, I still buy it. But usually its me who shows her stuff so it has to catch my eye first and this summer... I feel blah about almost everything I see :(. So yeah her closet is a little empty, lol.

  4. I have to say my daughter has expressed what she wants to wear from the time she could talk... even from making the purchases. I would never buy something she said she didn't like that is a total waste of money. So I guess my daughter is right there with yours.

  5. My boy just turned 5 and has been choosing his and his younger brother's outfits everyday for several months. He particularly likes when their shirts match. For at least a year he has refused to wear plain shirts. He wants something on them like a race car or super hero. So girls aren't the only ones who like to choose clothing.

  6. good to hear from you spots :). I have one friend on fbook with a 5yr old boy, who still lets her pick all his clothes, so its nice to hear from a mother to a 5 who likes to pick his own.

    Just today Wave explained to me what "fashion Style" was, lol. it was a great explanation of why she won't wear certain things and what outfits are fashionable, lol.
