Monday, June 28, 2010

Some townhouse pics.

Why yes that is my new couch you see.... tee hee. UGH about the ugly old coffee table but the couch makes the pic all worth it. I love how the wall colour and the couch colour goes together.... heaven. Made a mistake on the lamp shades, they should be brown, but o well, that will teach me to try and decorate before seeing the paint lol. Couple shots of kitchen, its small and very bland, but I got enough on my plate right now, so its staying that way, lol. Love our patio as well, omg its soooo lovely to eat out there and its really private, to just the complex, everyone seems friendly, plus W met 6 little girls tonight all within the 4-6 yr age range, score :). So far so good :).

Inet up

K, I got my inet up and running, after the move. I have some pics of our progress. Today I am painting W's dresser and toy box, when thats done I will post pics of her room, its actually turning out exactly how I pictured it, I am pleased. The living area.... hmm well I love the paint and my new couch is to die for, but we haven't settled on a coffee table yet, I want the leather ottoman, but hes afraid the cat will scratch it so.. we are at a stand still and I don't know if I want to take a pic for the blog with my old coffee table, lol. We will see what happens there.
Back with some pics soon I promise :).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Some before pics.

So here they are some townhouse pics, before we get all our stuff in. The top pic is our bedroom, its not painted yet.. I have decided on a colour, but I think it will be similar to the living area, which I LOVE btw. the pic with W in the corner shows the colour really well, I was sooo nervous it was going to be minty looking, or too light to even tell its green and its PERFECT. And W's well, I will let you guess which is hers ;). lol Will take some pics after everything is all set up!

WOOT tomorrow is the big day.

Finale box tally. 28 (including food, in fridge and one spare box to throw the dog/cat bowls and coffee maker in tomorrow morn, lol).
3 dressers, 2 computer desks (one for us one for W), 2 beds, 3 small tables, one dinette set and two tvs. oh and a tinkerbell kitchen ;), very important ;).
We luckily have 3 friends coming to help so four ppl moving in total hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly for all involved.
I am walking to the new place in the morning with W and Darcy (dog), b/c both would be in the way, and I have to be a the new place for my couch delivery *YAY*. So anyways, not sure when I will be back up and running, but i promise to return with townhouse pictures , finally!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Princess Kung Fu Room.

Well, thats the hope anyways and this personalized sitcker is a start :).
Wave is going to LOVE it ... its going above her bed.

StrawBerry Shortcake :)

Yummo. Wave made them herself. pretty and tasty.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

19 boxes

Its a little sad... or maybe pathetic when you see your entire life fit into 19 boxes isn't it, lol.
Well 3 more sleeps and we are there. Thanks for sticking with me. :)
PPL from freecycle are coming tonight to get our old couch and chair. It will be a little sad to see them go, they were handed down to us from P's grandma after she passed.
Thats not all 19 boxes in the pic, some are still being lived out of, under the sink the pots and pans, and in the bathroom for shampoo etc. But thats my life in those boxes.. books, baking supplies, and books... Patricks are all books, hockey memorabilia (bleh) and movies. Wave's are books and toys. lol of course.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kidzone fun!

Been living here over a year now and this place hasn't lost its thrill :). She just loves it, and they have added some new features, like the dance mat floor thing, she loves that, she bows after every dance.

We will no longer be around the corner from Kidzone so I suppose we won't go as much as we do now, but i hope our neighborhood has others things to appeal to her.. I hope :).

Friday, June 18, 2010


I wanted patio dishes, but I didn't want plastic ( in fact I don't want anymore plastic crap in my house as long as I live, but I doubt I can do that, lol), so this is what I found and have wanted since I first discovered them a couple months ago. Aren't they pretty:)?
I also bought our dog new bowls, shes not a small dog and I think small dogs get all the cute stuff so when I saw these I needed to buy them....oh I know I am a loser , its OK I have made peace with it ;).

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ah its working.

Ok, so as I said in the last post, that didn't allow me to post the pics, my living room wall behind my couch will have these three pics. The one of just W will be in the middle in a size 11x14 and the other two will be on either side, in 8x10 size. I hope it looks good. I love those pics.

Errors AHHHH

Ok. So I can't add a pic cause stupid blogger won't let me right now. So anyways, I will add a link. Heres the scoop, new townhouse has this awesome oak stair case, and its just begging for pictures of W. I am very intimated by the idea of making on of these framed pic wall collages especially on the stairs, but I found this blog that kinda has a "for dummy's" layout of the whole thing. So I thought i would share it.
Also if any of you have a wall collage i would love to see it.
In the living area, I am doing three pics, all from the same photo shoot, our family shoot from Oct. In an 11x14 size I am doing one of her alone in the woods, and in 8x10, on either side I have a pic of her and I, and then on the other side one of her and Patrick. I did want to post those pics, but again, stupid blogger :(.

Hopefully it will turn out looking as fab as I see it in my head.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Accent chair decision.

This was the hardest decision ever, but its done. We are going to Leon's on Friday to order it, and my living room is now complete. :)
11 more sleeps till we move :).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

13more sleeps.

Obviously I am pre occupied by the new townhouse, lol. every post lately has been about furniture shopping etc. I apologies, and promise its almost over. 13 more sleeps and we are there, then I will post pics of how it all comes together... I hope.
Yesterday, P , W and I went to BouClair Home, Homesense and Wendy's (haha).
We chose some lamps , no not at Wendy's, ;), and a pillow, it cost me a whopping $81... dude. $81 for two lamps and a pillow. Oh I know what your thinking... "buy cheaper lamps", well, I swear that these were not expensive lamps in comparison to a lot of them.

Note to self: when you had this great idea of not bringing old crappy furniture and decor to your new place.. giant dollar signs flashed above your head and laughter erupted all over the world.
Back to packing boxes, here's a shot of my million dollar lamp (one of them).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls Shopping

Today Wave and I went to pay off the couch, in St Jacobs, so we made a fun girls day out of it. We ate breakfast out,then stopped at Lego Land, then Toy Soup (best store ever) and Future Shop. She picked out her lamp while at the furniture store, its soooo cute, pink with a bow and white polk a dots, I could just die from cuteness, lol.
Then we bought a cool fairy figurine/toy from toy soup, and lastly we stopped at Future Shop, who after this purchase I am boycotting, lol. Worst.Costumer Service. EVER.... Ever. But great price on the fathers day tv. so... I bared with it, for the day, barely. :(.

Anyways, this is Patrick's fathers day gift, a tv for the bedroom. Our bedroom tv is going pink, lol. Its pretty old, and its only 27'" and our new master bedroom is very large, so I guess a new bedroom tv is in order (ok truth be told, I couldn't care less about the tv going pink or it being smaller, but its fathers day.. and this is what the man insists we need, lol. ).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Things are looking up!

I chose a wedding picture b/c so much has changed in the last few yrs since we met, so I thought a wedding pic was appropriate.
As a lot of ppl know we struggled for a couple of yrs, financially, when W was first born, and its been a up hill climb for the last four yrs. It got a LOT better last year when P landed this job and we moved to Waterloo. Well the last couple of weeks have been amazing (dont' want to post details here, for a couple of days) for us, and things are really looking up. I can breath a sigh of relief, things are really going our way, and yes the last few months have been difficult for me, (for other reasons, that most know about and i still struggle with the infertility issues), but with all the good happening, its getting easier to deal with disappointment we have recently been handed.
I just wanted to share the good news, my little family has truly been blessed, and the future looks bright :).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Me and my girl. (you vote does she look anything like me???) I say no, :(.

Patrick took a couple ok pics of W and I on our nightly walk to the park. Its rare that I like pics of myself so I figured i would share :).

Ugly Chair? Opinions

Ok. stay with me here. I am looking for an accent chair. I do kinda think this is ugly, but not bad ugly. LOL if that makes sense? lol. I like it. I think it will add a pop of colour, and pattern to an otherwise rather boring decor scheme we have going. My dear dear husband thinks I am nuts, lol. He wants to get a plain leather (or faux leather) chair and call it a day. I think we need more personality.
NOW. He is getting a new tv, wii, and I compromised on the colours alot, to suit his more muted tastes. So when it comes down to it, I have earned the chair ;).
Any thoughts? Is it tooooo crazy? Does anyone else agree its ugly, but kinda cool kitchy ugly, lol?

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is the kind of weather I like.

Its perfect weather for me today, kinda windy, not too hot. I hate the heat, the sun is peaking through the clouds, the breeze is nice, no need for a coat just a sweater. sigh perfection.

Here is Wave at the park. I love the shot of her hair in the wind. :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

We has Couch :)

Today Patrick and I went to St Jacobs Furniture House, to look around and we were so pleased to find a wide selection in a huge array of prices. We wanted to cap the cost of the couch to $550 before taxes and delivery (add that stuff on, your talking another almost $200, ykwim). In that price range we found most stores only had 2 or MAYBE 3 couches to choose from and they all looked cheap. So we were happy to find the selection at JFH.
Anyways... We ordered our couch :) YAY! Finally we found something we could agree on. Here is a pic of it, but ours is not that colour, ours is going to be Mocha, like a medium brown colour. Very nice, very comfy, and NEW, not used, not handed down, brand spanking new .. sigh :).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Snobby Stacy

I don't want to buy used furniture. I admit it. There I said. My DH god bless him is very frugal. I like to think I am pretty frugal myself. All of currant furniture is used, hand me down stuff, besides my dinette set and our tv, that we bought a couple yrs ago.
This is a pic of my hand me down crap. Granted it was free, and its done us well for the last couple of yrs, but enough is enough, I don't want to buy or get for free, used furniture. I want to go in a store and pick out furniture that DH and I, pick out, ours selves no compromising (of course price is factor, lol, so a little compromise).
He wants to take a couch we found on kijiji, it looks brand new, its $100, it can be delivered. Its Not exactly what I want.... its kinda big for the space, but doable, its lighter in colour, and i think its going kinda blend in with the wall colour, but all in all, its a fine couch, its a great deal and we could use the money we save elsewhere. But I just can't bring myself to stop wanting to have that experince of going out picking out MY couch, not someone elses couch that they no longer want.
sigh. Does this make me a HUGE snob, does anyone understand this? Patrick doesnt at all, he gets that I wanted another colour and size and that truthfully we can afford to buy a more expensive couch, but if we save money , thats all he cares about. sigh.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I can barely type but I am sooo annoyed I am venting on the good ol' blog.

Husbands, gah.

So furnishing a house in 3 weeks, not easy for anyone, but having to agree on furniture and price of it with MY husband. Mission impossible.
he has these idea's of what it should cost in Patrick land... $300 for a couch, no more then $150 for a table, and all the other stuff had better be free. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
then its about the style of said impossibly priced couch. He wants huge lazy boy furniture in our new small, living room. I want normal person sized furniture so our entire living area isn't blocked by giant sized furniture.
He wants non removable, yet somehow washable cushions... huh. Yeah right, I spend days looks in stores, online etc. for him to pay little attention to all my research and stick to this idea in his head.... GAHHHHHHHH. I am sore, I am annoyed with my shoulder and I am in no mood for this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

I feel better now. Thanks. :)

Wanna know the best way to get out of packing...

Tear your Rotator cuff. :(. I Kid you not. I am out of commission I spent lastnight in the ER. It was a slow night so I walked right into an xray. stay for a couple of hrs for a cortozone shot and am going to physio next week (wants me to rest it until then). We move in under 24 days. I can't pack a box, move a table, nothing.
Wish me luck. I am going to be going crazy not being able to pack things, I am going to become the packing natzi, my poor husband. lol

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Furnishing an entire House in 24 days.

Yep thats me, I'm a nut :). We decided a couple weeks ago that we (alright, I ) could not bare to bring our old hand me down furnishings into our brand spanking new townhouse. So .. I have the task of picking out new furniture for , the living room, the patio, and Waves room. So not the entire house I guess, the dining area is done, and our master.. will wait, cause I am going to be broke ;).

This is how far I have gotten, A new computer chair.. and Waves new bedding. Yep. thats right, thats not a lot. 24 days... and counting. sigh

Oh I should mention the bedding was at homesense for $23, and we do know what else we are buying for her room, so its done in my head, lol I just have to go back this weekend and finish off the buying.