Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Borken oven

Dude, I have no words for what a broken oven does to me.... Landlords are on vaca, and this does not consitute an emergency, so it will have to wait, another week. :( dude. *shakes head*

Luckily, I have a bbq, a rotisorre, and the stove top still works. Unlucky, thing is this is the weekend my mom is coming down, and expecting, Stacy's usual spread of homemade goodies...eeek. not this time mama.

So anyways, here's my broken oven food so far, lol. Lime/honey, garlic parm basted chicken fresh off the rotisorre, and buttscotch no bake marsh mellow squares.


  1. i totally was wondering what a 'borken' oven was when i saw your title...then i realized you meant 'broken'! lol. oopsie!

    LOVE the food you made regardless of the broken oven! we're a mini-appliance household here in case of broken oven i know we'd be fine too! :)

  2. LOL, Borken, lol totally read that three times and still didn't notice..haha.

  3. Your blog is just soooooo...YUMMY! I just finished dinner and now i'm hungry again, Thanks:)
    That does suck that the oven is Broken!!! But, on the other hand, u sound like you have it all covered :D
