Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A fun day, and my jealousy.

Like a lot off ppl in the heat these last few days, we have been swimming, a lot. So the one pic is of Wave relaxing in her bathing suit on the couch... looks comfy eh ;).
We have also been enjoying watching the little league baseball games across the street, Wave plays on the play ground and watches the game simultaneously, lol. Its cute, she gets right into it sometimes.

Then my jealousy....... PFFT, I feeling tanned, I know hard to believe, because I am still uber white, but really for me, thats pretty tanned, lol. Well, I was feeling tanned, then I looked at my kid. and there it is, my WHITE leg, and her tanned arm, and in fact thats not a great pic, b/c she is much more tan than it appears in that pic. So I took the last one with better light, and there she is all perfectly brown.... brat. tee hee

*disclaimer, I love my daughter no matter her colour, don't worry my jealousy will pass........ in dec.. or so ;)*


  1. Your daughter is really pretty! I love her name too. U call her Wave for short-that's cute! How did u pick her name?

  2. tee hee..matt has very white legs that just will NOT tan! lol..

  3. Waverly was the name of a male (it is in fact a man's name) resident in a home for the aged that I volunteered at when i was younger (late teens). Then I heard it again on a girl when I was in my early twenties (she is actually on my fbook now and pleased to see another little Waverly :)), I just fell in love with it, and there she is :).
    We call her all sorts of things, lol Wave, Wavey Gravey, Gravey, Waver, Waversqueese, lol.

  4. I love that second pic. The sun behind W is awesome.

  5. don't feel bad hubby looks like casper!! He is so white!

  6. I love how the contrast the backlight shadowing Wave looks
