Friday, June 25, 2010

WOOT tomorrow is the big day.

Finale box tally. 28 (including food, in fridge and one spare box to throw the dog/cat bowls and coffee maker in tomorrow morn, lol).
3 dressers, 2 computer desks (one for us one for W), 2 beds, 3 small tables, one dinette set and two tvs. oh and a tinkerbell kitchen ;), very important ;).
We luckily have 3 friends coming to help so four ppl moving in total hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly for all involved.
I am walking to the new place in the morning with W and Darcy (dog), b/c both would be in the way, and I have to be a the new place for my couch delivery *YAY*. So anyways, not sure when I will be back up and running, but i promise to return with townhouse pictures , finally!

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