Thursday, June 3, 2010

Snobby Stacy

I don't want to buy used furniture. I admit it. There I said. My DH god bless him is very frugal. I like to think I am pretty frugal myself. All of currant furniture is used, hand me down stuff, besides my dinette set and our tv, that we bought a couple yrs ago.
This is a pic of my hand me down crap. Granted it was free, and its done us well for the last couple of yrs, but enough is enough, I don't want to buy or get for free, used furniture. I want to go in a store and pick out furniture that DH and I, pick out, ours selves no compromising (of course price is factor, lol, so a little compromise).
He wants to take a couch we found on kijiji, it looks brand new, its $100, it can be delivered. Its Not exactly what I want.... its kinda big for the space, but doable, its lighter in colour, and i think its going kinda blend in with the wall colour, but all in all, its a fine couch, its a great deal and we could use the money we save elsewhere. But I just can't bring myself to stop wanting to have that experince of going out picking out MY couch, not someone elses couch that they no longer want.
sigh. Does this make me a HUGE snob, does anyone understand this? Patrick doesnt at all, he gets that I wanted another colour and size and that truthfully we can afford to buy a more expensive couch, but if we save money , thats all he cares about. sigh.


  1. Maybe you could hand him some research on the germs of a used couch? ;) I could not care for any couch that isn't leather, personally.

  2. I dont think I want to go there, b/c the one we have now was handed down to us, lol.
    I am pretty sure we won't do leather, its not comfortable to me, and the cat does scratch the leather office chair the odd time (she scratches nothing else in the house). So .. .leather may be out. :(

  3. It doesn't make you a snob by any mean (well IMO maybe that makes ME one? ha). First of all, from what I "know" of you, you don't seem the type. Second of all, you've definitely paid your dues with used furniture! It's not like this is your first place on your own out of highschool or something and you want all brand new super expensive stuff. It's about picking something that is YOURS. I say fight for your cause sistah ha. You deserve it ;)

    PS I'm not sure if you ever check WM anymore...or have heard about this somewhere else, but there is an annual sale at Donald Choi warehouse Waterloo. Thought of you actually when I read it. Might want to check it out? Here's the info:

    The next Furniture Clearance Outlet Waterloo Warehouse Sale will occur on Saturday, June 12, 2010. Doors will open promptly at 7:00AM and close at 3:00PM.

    As always, our sale will be held at 147 Bathurst Drive, Waterloo. We accept cash, debit, VISA, and MasterCard

    Anyway, super comment hey? Good luck either way :)

  4. Thanks so much! We are actually getting the money for all these new additions on the 11th of June... so that warehouse sale is PERFECT timing. :)
