Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Me and my girl. (you vote does she look anything like me???) I say no, :(.

Patrick took a couple ok pics of W and I on our nightly walk to the park. Its rare that I like pics of myself so I figured i would share :).


  1. I'd say you can definitely see a resemblance. You definitely notice her big brown eyes first so I could see how you wouldn't think you looked alike but the features are definitely similar! Great pictures :)

  2. Well, she has my exact hair, lol. Even my cowlick, in the same place, I guess that counts for something.

    and for sure its the big almond shaped brown eyes, in comparison to my round blue eyes that really throw me off.

  3. Chin,nose, cheek, eyebrows all the same. Eyes different. Definitely looks like you! :)
