Monday, June 21, 2010

Kidzone fun!

Been living here over a year now and this place hasn't lost its thrill :). She just loves it, and they have added some new features, like the dance mat floor thing, she loves that, she bows after every dance.

We will no longer be around the corner from Kidzone so I suppose we won't go as much as we do now, but i hope our neighborhood has others things to appeal to her.. I hope :).


  1. Reese went once and begged for months after to go back! I guess we will have to go and check out these new features you speak of. ;)

  2. Great pictures! I can't wait until Sienna is 4 and can roam through it by herself because she LOVED it. Me climbing through after her, not so much ha. Love the close up shot. Beautiful.
