Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chocolate Tea.

If you look closely you can see blue specs in the tea, I don't know what they are but its sooo pretty. My awesome husband bought me this tea for Christmas (with an infuser), its not only delicious but I recently found out its also one of the healthiest Teas in the store, which makes me feel good about going through 50g in a month ...ooops.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds delicious! My sister bought me a tea infuser too... aren't they wonderful? I'll have to try that kind! Sorry, that last comment was me, too many typos!

  3. i have some chocolate flavored tea from there! its really good!

  4. I loooooove Teaopia! I have several teas from there, and the Tea Master, too!
    And thanks to your post, I now have to try out their Chocolate tea... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....!
