Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why yes I DID just take a picture of my bum.

It may be weird to take a pic of your bum, lol but I bought a pair of jeans for $7.50, that make my bum look pretty darn good. That is worth showing off IMO, lol.
SO of course it being Jan we are all thinking weight loss, well here are some pics of me right now (won't say the number on the scale but its high), and I will post some body pics every month to see if we notice a change, as I get back into working out. Last time I went to the gym was before my wedding and I looked pretty fab after a few months. I wish I had continued it when we moved here. I just like the eye pic, no reason for it really , lol.


  1. those jeans are pretty awesome, you look FAB!

  2. $7.50! Nice! Love a good find...especially when that find makes your caboose look so good ;)

  3. BTW love the title haha "yes I did..." awesome

  4. $7.50, awesome deal!
    p.s Great playlist!

  5. awesome deal on the pants! good luck with the weight loss, i need some motivation to get back to the gym as well!

  6. Wow you are brave! Then again your butt is skinny mini compared to mine. Go girl go!!!!
