Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Cupcakes, Cupcakes. :)

Ummmmmm I have no idea why that pic is fliped side ways. I have edited it three times now, . I give up.

Anyways, Waverly made cupcakes today. I helped with seperating the egg whites, and putting the in the oven/taking them out. Besides that she did it all, on her own :).

They are delish!


  1. Both my kids ohhhhh'd and awwwwwww'd over your sprinkled cupcakes!!!!!!! Then gave me the stink eye cuz they knew I wasn't going to make them any.

  2. Yummy! Thats awesome that she can do almost everything it takes to bake cupcakes by herself.

  3. Yummmmm! I think you have a future foodie on your hands :)

  4. oh wow thats awesome! Ben and jonny like to help me make them too :)

  5. She looks so cute in that apron! Yummy cupcakes :)
