Sunday, January 24, 2010

When Daddy Goes Shopping

Patrick took Waverly shopping today and these are the shoes he chose for her. Anyone else wanna hide all the neighborhood dalmatians (look out Spots, lol)??
Anyone else have a 4 yr old stillllllll wearing a size toddler 8??? These are an 8 and 1/2 and they are too big. I have 9 pairs of size 8 and 1/2s and 9s waiting for her feet to grow :(.
I also got a shot of her in her new purple dress and her corkers, not a great pic b/c she was not having it today, LOL.


  1. Jake's still in a size 8 shoe, at almost 4.

    I love the new shoes lol Why is little girls stuff so much cuter than the stuff for boys?
    The dress and corker look adorable too.

  2. LOL! My eldest daughter is almost 3.5, and she is into a 10!
    Gotta love those spotted shoes! I would love to know where he got them!

  3. He got them from Please Mum for $6.
    Right now if you buy a clearance item you get the second item for $3. He bought her shoes and socks $9 in total.

  4. Do they make them in adult sizes? Kidding, sort of. :p
    If this baby is a girl I totally want those. Waverly will have outgrown them by then, I'm sure.
    As for shoe size in August my exactly 2 year old was wearing size 8 and my 4 year, 3 month old was wearing size 10 yet was a whole head taller. Their feet must slow down at age 4 or something.

  5. My son is 2 1/2 and wears a size 7.
    Love the new shoes!!! ;)

  6. Those are too cute! I kinda have an obsession with buying shoes for my DD, lol. She has more pairs than I do ;)

  7. Wave has 33 pairs of shoes right now. So yeah.... I have 4 .

  8. Ally is 5 1/2 and is still a sz 8!! WTH?!
